Sunday, April 16, 2017


Ultimately Hindu Mela was established under direct sponsorship of Thakur Bari , [this is also known as Jatiya Mela or Chaitra Mela]. The programme of the Mela prepared by Rajnarayan Basu was the point of inspiration. The main initiative was taken by Nabagopal Mitra , class mate of Satyendranath Thakur and editor of "The National Paper". Jorasanko Thakur Bari was full of environment of Nationalism. So this proposal was heartily accepted by them. Dwijendranath was one of the main observer. Ganendranath joined this enthusiastically  like the playing of Nabanatak. He became the secretary and Nabagopal Mitra was the assistant secretary to organise the 1st session  of Hindu Mela at the garden house at Chitpur of Raja Narasinha Bahadur on 12 April 1867. The first session was organised within less than a month The one of the enthusiast worker drama writer Manmohan Basu. Though this was arranged with  a small preparation.On the day of establishment some friends. All the important personalities like debendranath, Digambar Mitra, Jatindra Mohan Thakur, Durgacharan Saha, Upendramohan Thakur, Kaliprasanna Thakur, Kaliprasanna Sinha, Parychand Mitra, Girish Chandra Ghosh,[editor of Bengali paper.]Pary charan sarkar, Kailas chandra Basu,Jaygopal Sen,Prasad das Mallik, Kalikrishna Thakur were the sponsors. Hindu Mela has strong influence not only on Tagore family but also on whole of Bengal and India.
The  organisations Jamidar Sabha estabilished by Dwarakanath Thakur. British Indian association or Indian association established by Anandamohan Basu and Surendranath Banerjee had limited connection with the public. Hindu Mela or Jatiya mela was established with a broad idealism.  

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