Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Creativity of Rabindranath (1912-13)

Before going to London Rabindranath came to Santiniketan to inaugurate the programme of Nababarsa inspite of going to Silaidah for rest.While Rabindranath was in Santiniketan he was engaged in Translaating his works. He wrote 6 new songs.
1. Ke go antaratara se
2.Amare  tumi Asesh korecho
3.har mana har
4.emni kore ghuriba dure
5. peyechi chuti biday deha bhai
6. aji ei sakalbalate
Among these Rabindraanath translated the first three and the fifth song into English. He translated the song Amare tumi asesh korecho as Thou hast made me endless and placed it in Gitanjali at the beginning.
The Bengalee, 25 th may, 1912, issue, published a detail report of farewell of Rabindranath in the station.
"Babu Rabindranath Tagore accompanied by his son Babu Rathindranath left Calcutta on Friday by B.N. Ry  Bombay mail for Europe...."
They reached Bombay in the morning and rested in Watson's Hotel .
Rabindranath wrote 6 essays during the journey from Bombay to Port Said.
1. Jalasthal, 2. Pather Sanchay, 3. Samudrapari, 4. Pather Sanchay, 5. Jatra, 6. Pather sanchay.
The ship reached Port Said in Bhumadhya Sagar on 8 Jun.
On the two letters written by him was found.One to Mira devi, other to Nagendranath, youngest son in law.
Rabindranath wrote the last lyric or poetry on 26th April.
He was writing in prose the thoughts coming to his mind during the voyage .At the same time he keeps himself engaged in translation of Gitanjali.
Rabindranath wrote the next part of his journey in "Londone" essay.
rabindranath reached London on 16 th June and took sheiter in Bloomsberry hotel.
Editor Cranner of "Wisdom of the East" series will see Rabindranath yesterday.He likes to publish a series of translation and wants to write in collaboration with me. But Rothenstein did not like it. He said Yeats knows you. your writings will be upto his liking. He will meet Yeats in a few days. Rabindranath is expected to come in the circle of Wells, Bernard Shaw etc.
It seems that the proposal of consultation of Rabindranath's translation of poems with Yeats appeared at that time. Actually before coming to England Rabindranath was acquainted with the Indian Lover English people  Havel, S.K.Fox, Radcliff, Kumarswami who came to India were personally known to Rabindranath In this context the persons lik
e Arther Fox, Stranways known to Rabindranath and read about him in Modern Review. Arther Fox was the Secretary
of India Society of London.
In the mean time Rothenstein typed three copies  translation of Gitanjali and distributed them to 1. Yeats, 2. Andrew Cecil Bradlay [1851-1935] , Prof. of  poetry of Oxford University, 3. Stop Augustus Brooke [1832-1935].


Rothenstein wrote, "I sent word to Yeats , who failed to reply, but when I wrote again he asked me to send him the poems and when he had read them his enthusiasm equaled mine"
Yeats expressed his excitement in the introduction of Gitanjali , "I have carried the manuscript of these translations about with me for days , reading it in Railway trains , or on the top of omnibuses and in restaurants and I have often had to close it lest some stranger would see how much it moved me."
This is the introduction of Tagore's winning the Nobel prize. Morning shows the day. 
On getting the invitation of dinner in India Society and a request to meet Rabindranath Tagore Yeats wrote on 25th June 1912, "Thursday at 7.30 with pleasure , Many thanks.I have been in copious correspondence with Rolleston about the dinner." On that day Yeats wrote Florence Furr , " I do not think I can get to you this afternoon ....at 7.30 I dine with Rothenstein to meet Tagore the Hindu Poet."
Rabindranath himself wrote Kshitimohan Sen about this meeting, " Yesterday night I dined with the English poet Yeats here. He read  prose versions of some of my poems yesterday. he read very nicely in musical tunes I have no faith in my English writings but he said if any one says that he can improve this writings , I say, he does not know anything about literature."
Bradely wrote Rothenstein, "It looks as though we have at last a great poet amongst us again...."
rabindranath wrote Thomus Sturge Moore [1870-1944] and Robert Trevelyan [1872-1951]
in a dateless letter, " Yeats and Rothenstein had a Bengalee poet on viewduring the last days , I was in London....."
In the evening of 7th July , at Rothenstein's house a big get together was held for reciting poems.. Rabindranath wrote the following dignitaries were present in the dinner party in Rothenstein's house;
1. ernest Rhys, 2. Alice Meyneli, 3. Henry Nevinson, 4. May Sinclair, 5. Charles Trevelyan, C.F.Andrews etc.It is known from the description given by Andrews.
Before the beginning of recitation Yeats gave an Introduction.
He told us how he had received it a few days ago and kept it by him night and day. pondering over the strange beauty of the thoughts that were enshrined in song.
On 16th July a reception arranged by was held in Trokadora restaurant.

A description of the ceremony was published in The Times [13 July] under the title, "Dinner to Mr.Rabindranath Tagore."
On Wednesday last at the Trocadero Restaurant there was a large gathering in honour of Mr. Rabindranath Tagore. Mr. W.B.Yeats presided and among those present were Messrs. J.W.Mackail, Herbert Trench, R.B.Conninghame, H.W.Navinson, H.G.wells, Cecil Sharp, J.D.Anderson, E.B.Havell,T.W.Amold,R.Vaughan , Williams, and T.W.Rolleston.

Herbert Trench
j.w.mackail [left]

The presence of Rabindranath in Cambridge was not full of incidents.But those who have seen Tagore was moved.

[ Rathindranath - 2nd from left]
Rathindranath wrote to Mira Debi and Nagendranath describing the welcoming ceremony
 [Mira Debi standing right]

Perhaps Bertrand Russel was not introduced to Rabindranath in time.Rathimdranath wrote about their introduction. " Russel said he came to London direct from Cambridge to see Tagore. The first question he asked to Rabindranath , what is beauty ? It was not easy to answer the  question on the spot. Still he explained "Nandan tattwa"

Gitanjali will be published by India Society and Yeats write an introduction to it.Yeats probably went to Normandy of France with the edited Gitanjali to pass a holiday. Here he will write the Introduction of Gitanjali.
Rabindranath went to America for the first time on 19 Oct, 1912.
Rothenstien wrote, "Among others whom Tagore met were Shaw,Wells,Galsworthy, Andrew Bradley, Masefield, J.L. Hammond, Ernest Rhys, Fox Strangways, Surge Moore, and Robert Bridges'.
Rabindranath expected that Gitanjali will be published sometimes at the middle of Oct. But he observed that it would take some more time and he is going to leave London for America.
Before going to America the fame of Rabindranath's talent in writing  poetry extended to another country, France. French poet Alexi St. Leger Leger synonym John Perse wrote a letter on  mentioning introductory letter of Fox Strangways [After a career as a schoolmaster, Fox Strangways developed an interest in Indian music, and in the years before the First World War he did much to bring Rabindranath Tagore to wider attention.]  on 14tb Oct 1912, " At the end of a solitary stay in this town , when it was for me a very deep and secret joy I meet by chance, in a news paper , with two poems quoted by the English poet yeats ...."
At the initiative of India Society Gitanjali was first published and Yeats gave its introduction.
The manuscript of Gitanjali was sent press on 9th Sept, 1912. Earlier Rothenstien  mentioned of a poet whose name is Ezra Pound [1885-1972] - "the young poet came to sit at Tagore's feet, Ezra Pound the most assiduously"
[Born in Idaho and raised in Pennsylvania, Ezra Pound spent most of his life in Europe and became one of the 20th century’s most influential — and controversial — English-language poets.]
Pound was working as a secretary to Yeats . He was introduced with Rabindranath with the help of him.He became anxious to make Rabindranath known to America.
On 24th Sept 1912 He wrote to the editor, Harriet Monroe [1861 - 1936], of the magazine , Poetry. 

Rabindranath went to America with Pratima earlier. Dr. Dwijendranath Moitra accompanied them.
Rabindranath started for newyork on 19th Oct, 1912.

They reached New York on 27th Oct..  Rabindranath wrote his whole experience to Rothenstien after boarding in Herald Square hotel.  
In a rainy day [1 Nov] Rabindranath reached Urbana which was announced in the daily news [1 Oct] of Illiinois University, The Daily Illinir,
Rathindranath , son of Rabindranath and student of the University, informed the news of the arrival of Rabindranath. Received this information   Prof. Dr. Arthur Seymour [1872-1955], teacher of Rathindranath, arranged the lecters of Rabindranath.  
It was arranged that Rabindranath will take his rest at the residence of Prof. Morgan Brooks [1861-1055] , Professor of Electrical Engineer.He came to Jorasanko with his wife in the first part of 1910.Hence they were acquainted earlier.
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Probably 1 Nov Gitanjali was published  by India Society. [1st edition] Only 750 books were printed. 500 copies were distributed among its members and 250 copies were sold @ 10 shiling 6 pence.It is bound by white paper of 16064 pages. On the cover it was written in gold ink;
These translation are of poems contained in three books - Naibedya, Kheya, and Gitanjali - to be had in the Indian Publishing House, 22 Cornwallis Street, Calcutta; and of a few poems which have appeared only in periodicals.
The cover page picture was by Rothenstien . He has drawn a sketch of Rabindranath.
Within a few days Rothenstien  sent a copy of the book and copies of poetries , dramas, essays, and short stories to George Macmillion.
Avoiding madding crowds Rabindranath wanted to live a peaceful life in Arbana.
The first essay Rabindranath read on 10 Nov in the Unity club was "Work Realisation". this essay after many addition and alteration in the title "The Relation of the Individual to the Universe" published in Sadhana - The realisation of Life.[1913].
The name of 2nd  essay read in the Unity Club on 17th Nov by Rabindranath , "Self Realisation" -while publishig in Sadhana the title was changed to "Soul Consciousness " 
The third and fourth Rabindranath read on 24 Nov and 1 Dec were Realisation of Brhama and The Problem of Evil. 
When Rabindranath came to America , he was known only to some of the families of the ex-teachers and some Bengali students. After delivering lectures in Unity Club he became known to some more people. But many residents of this town could not know about his presence. 
Mrs. Seymour   wrote an essay , titled Rabindranath Tagore  , in the magazine of the University , Illinois , with a photograph of Rabindranath and some of his poems. In the same month the mouth piece of Cosmopolitan Club , The Cosmopolitan  Student , a local student gave an introduction about Rabindranath. Moreover, the own magazine of the University , Daily Illini, and local paper Courier Herald wrote about his lectures in time.
In the mean time Dec-1912 issue of the patrika , Poetry , published an essay containing six poems of Rabindranath written by Ezra Pound. Rathindranath collected some copies of the paper and sent it to the editor Harriat Monro of Cicago {Harriet Monroe(December 23, 1860 – September 26, 1936) was an American editor, scholar, literary critic, poet, and patron of the arts. She is best known as the founding publisher and long-time editor of Poetry magazine, first published in 1912 } who could came to know that Rabindranath  is staying close to him. Having received the letter Manro collected 5 copies and wrote to Rabindranath on 12 Dec , "I am surprised to learn through a note from your son that you are in Illionois. Permit me to express the hope of soon seeing you in Chicago ....."
On 21 Dec he wrote , "A member of my friends have asked me to tell you that they will be very glad if you will stay in their houses while you are in Chicago." In the mean time Secretary of National Federation of Religious Liberals ,Chas. W.Wendte informing him about the joint congress to be held at Rachester in 28-30 Jan 1913 and Free Religious Association of America , wrote," I will gratify us very much if your engagements would permit you to be present at one or all of these meetings we should especially like to have a contribution from you.either written or extempore , on the subject of "Race conflicts and human brother hood which you might prefer to read "Race differences and Human brotherhood....... " Probably this arrangement was done following the news of Pramathalal Sen. 
Lewis Institute of Chicago Dr. Edwin Herbert Lewis [1866 - 1938] invited Rabindranath Tagore.He accepted both the invitation.
Rathindranath and Pratima Debi went ahead as an advance party on 22nd Dec.But Rabindranath had to cancel both the invitation on physical ground. 
Rabindranaath wrote Jagadananda on 4 Jan , "Rathis came back after spending some time in Chicago.I got some invitation there but my mind does not to be there among their noise. I was feeling some welcome-phobia ." But he could not avoid so many request. The only poem written in America on 8 Jan , "Ke nibi go kine amay..." He started for chicago on 19 jan..
Rabindranath was in the environment as per his liking while he was in Arbana. Rabindranath became known while Rathindranath and Santosh Chandra  were students there. Santosh Chandra made him popular by reciting his poem "Nadi" This was narrated in the essay "The Golden Times" written by Mrs. Mayce F. Seymour. After coming to London Rabindranath began translating his own poem in English even when he was in America.
Gitanjali published by India Society was in the 1st part of November but it reached Rabindranath in America after about one month. Rabindranath wrote Rothenstien on 8 Dec, "The author's copy of Gitanjali has just reached me.It is beautiful to look at and I must thank you and Mr. Fox Strangwysfor this gift."On 7th Nov a review on the positive line was published in Times Literary Supplement.Mrs. stuart Moore [Evelin Underhill] on 16th Nov reviewed "An Indian Mystic" in "the Nation".On the same  day another review was published in Athenaeum magazine.
Rabindranath stayed for about two and half hours in Urbana after coming America. A group of fans of Rabindranath was formed there. They brought him to the meeting room of Unity Club. 
Writing essays in English, reading them before audience he experienced praises given to him which increased his self reliance. In the mean time invitations began to be  coming from Chicago, Rochester, Harvard University. 

At first he was refusing to accept all the invitation but gradually his mind was changed. While he was in his mother land he was thinking of informing America India's attempt to search for the truth. the great men like Pandita Rama Bai, Swami Vivekananda, Pratap Chandra Majumdar, Anagarik Dharmapal.Heramba Chandra Moitra and  others tried to propagate the same.
Ramabai went to Britain in 1883 to start medical training. During her stay she converted to Christianity. From Britain she traveled to the United States in 1886 to attend the graduation of the first female Indian doctor, Anandibai Joshi, staying for two years. During this time she also translated textbooks and gave lectures throughout the United States and Canada.[7] She had also published one of her most important book, The High-Caste Hindu Woman. This was also the first book that she wrote in English. Ramabai dedicated this book to Dr. Joshi, The High-Caste Hindu Woman-to be specific a Brahmin woman which showed the darkest aspects of the life of Hindu women, including child brides and child widows, sought to expose the oppression of women in Hindu-dominated British India.
Anagarika Dharmapāla
අනගාරික ධර්මපාල
Anagarika Dharmapala.jpg
Srimath Anagarika Dharmapāla
Born17 September 1864
Died29 April 1934 (aged 69)
Other namesDon David Hewavitarane
EducationChristian College, Kotte,
St Benedict's College, Kotahena,
S. Thomas' College, Mutwal,
Colombo Academy
Known forSri Lankan independence movement,
revival of Buddhism,
Representing Buddhism in the Parliament of World Religions(1893) / Buddhist missionary work in three continents
Parent(s)Don Carolis Hewavitharana
Mallika Dharmagunawardhana
Srimath Anagarika Dharmapala Signature.svg
Anagārika Dharmapāla (PaliAnagārika[əˈnəɡɑːrɪkə]; Sinhalese: Anagarika, lit., Sinhaleseඅනගාරික ධර්මපාල; 17 September 1864 – 29 April 1934) was a Sri Lankan (Sinhalese) Buddhist revivalist and writer. He was the first global Buddhist missionary. He was one of the founding contributors of non-violent Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism and Buddhism. He was also a pioneer in the revival of Buddhism in India after it had been virtually extinct there for several centuries, and he was the first Buddhist in modern times to preach the Dharma in three continents: AsiaNorth America, .
Heramba ch. maitra.

pratap ch maitra
Rabindranath 29th Jan reached Rochester. Rabindranath was invited by Chas W.Wengte , secetary of National Federation of Religious Liberals , on 10 Dec 1912.The organisation was founded on dec 1908 at Philadelphia. the first conference was held at that place durin27-30 Apr 1909.The resent conference was being held jointly with free religious  association of america in 28-30 jan..Rudolph Christopher eucken [1846-1926] , Prof. of Philosophy of Jena University of Germany, Nobel Prize winner in 1908 and at present Guest lecturer of Harvard University, was the main speaker.
Rabindranath came to Rochester after his attraction. Rabindranath read the essay "Race Conflict" in te afternoon.
Rabindranath read "The Problem of Self" and "the Realisation of Beauty" in Harvard which was published in  Sadhana.

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